Monday, October 7, 2013

12 years...

12 Years.
I have been married to my very best friend and superhero for 12 years on Saturday.
So, because I don't tell him nearly enough...

Here are 12 things I ADORE about Tim.
1. His smile.
2. His ability to make me laugh.  Even when it's inappropriate.
3.  His work ethic.  He works hard.  Sometimes, too hard.
4.  His dedication to his calling and to the priesthood.
5. His adventurous nature.  Always ready to explore.  And he always encourages me to explore too.
6.  His calming nature. 
7.  His eyes.  They twinkle.  I love that.
8.  His ability to fix ANYTHING. Seriously. He could give Bob Villa a run for his money.
9.  His superhero-ness.  He can always save my day.
10. He is an EXCELLENT uncle, brother, son, friend, cousin, grandson, etc.
11.  He is a good man.  They are so few and far between...and I got the best of them.
12. The way he loves me. Loyal, kind, thoughtful and sincere.

Happy Anniversary, Husbandito.
Love you to the moon.....
and back.

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