Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

Dearest Friends and Family,
Merriest Christmas wishes to you and yours!  Just wanted to send you a yearly update of all the happenings in the Jennings Family.

First and foremost, Tim and I got new callings at church this year.  We got called as the Young Men's President and Primary President (respectively). It's sure kept us busy, but we love every minute of it.  (I think...) Work is great and life is grand. We've had a fun year that has included work, work, church, work, cats, hunting, concerts, some travel and more work and are excited for 2012.

This year has been an eventful one for Jack the Cat.  We start with the new blankie that he got for Christmas from his Grandma Jo.  He enjoys snuggling.  Also, we moved his food dish from the laundry room to the kitchen.  That way he doesn't try to snitch Mommy's dinner quite as much.  Jack has decided to try to be an explorer this year.  He often escapes to his new hideaway under the front porch.  Jack hasn't gone to school yet to learn the three R's as he has no thumbs and is unable to write or turn pages.  We've tried to get him to go to Cat Scouts but he really doesn't like all the structure and the uniform.  He has found a new hobby in trying to figure out how that other cat got inside the new fireplace...or staring at his reflection.  He also enjoys playing with his sister, sharing his Mom's food and being scratched and roughed up by Tim.

As you can see, Lily has been very busy this year holding down the furniture and working on her napping skills.  She is a constant joy to us.  She has excelled in many things this year.  She's become very good at vocalizing her needs and mostly wants. She is also a very talented alarm clock at 6 o'clock in the morning.  Lily has been enjoying all of her Mama's piano students and the attention that they give her. She enjoys hiding from strangers and tormenting her brother.  She's still perfecting her Princess attitude.  She also has not started school as she has no thumbs. We are hoping that she'll start showing an interest in painting as her current favorite television show is "The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross".
As you can see, it's been an eventful year for our family and we are so looking forward to sharing 2012 with you and with our sweet furry children.  Merry Christmas to you and yours,
With Love,
Tim, Katie, Jack and Lily

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Singin with Grandpa...

So, I figured that since I posted about singing with my Grammy, I should do this too.  I absolutely credit my Grandpa for my vast musical knowledge and for the songs that I love and adore.  I learned most of them riding in the pickup or watching Lawrence Welk with him on Saturdays.  It has been a bittersweet experience to come up with this list, because I still miss him everyday of my life.  And occasionally, I'll hear a song, or smell fresh cut grass or burning ditchbanks and think of him.  I like to think it's his little way of reminding me that he's still watching over his family.  I love ya Gramps. first, the song he always sang.  His words were different, but the feeling is still the same.
Secondly, the song I memorized on the piano for him and my grammy.  Don't know why, but they wanted me to play it everytime we were together.

Next, the only song that gives me regrets.  He would ask me to play it all the time and I never took the time to learn it well.  Now I have it memorized.  Granted, it wasn't this version, but this is my favorite one.

Also, the song that he told me was his favorite.  And now is one of mine...
And finally, a song that makes me think about him...
I miss you Gramps.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Grammy Award

Let me start by saying that I love my Grammy.  No, it's not an award for being a stellar musician (although that would be nice too).  Nope, this is better.  She's my best friend and kindred spirit.  And I adore her.  Occassionally, I get frustrated when I have to go and reset the remote control 75 gazillllllion times in one week.  Tuesday was no exception.  So, a little frustrated, I drove over and promptly fixed her remote, tidied up her place, found her blankie, got her a drink and a snack, clipped her fingernails, told her politely that "no, I don't do other people's toenails" and then sat to visit for a minute. 
And I am so glad that I did. 
Occassionally, there are moments in one's life where you experience something so incredible that you vow to remember it for the rest of your life.  That was Tuesday.  Here's how the conversation went:

Grammy: Dolly, I need a favor.
Me:  Anything.  What's up?
Grammy: Well, I can't remember something and I thought about it all night long and it just makes me mad that I can't remember.
Me: Okay....what is it?
Grammy: Well, you know that song?  Give Said the Little Stream?
Me: yeah....

Grammy: I can't remember how the stream got down the hill.  Can you sing it to me?
Me: Sure...the stream hurried down the hill. (and then I sing...awkwardly)

This sets off a whole chain of events.  She starts with "Give Said the Little Stream", moved on to "Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam", "Little Purple Pansies", " I Have Two Little Hands" and finished it off with "Bill Grogan's Goat". 
By most musical standards that I normally adhere strictly to, my Grammy never was and never will be a Barbara Stresiand, Liza Minelli or Rosemary Clooney.  But If I am being completely honest, I love that little, gravelly voice more than anything in the world, even if she can't remember all the words.
I am reminded daily how lucky I am to live so close and to be able to spend this time with her.  I would not be the person or the musician that I am without her.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sing Bill Grogan's Goat to my cats.
Good night!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Primary President- Week Number Uno

We had our first presidency meeting and we had a blast.  I am so incredibly grateful for the women that I am serving with.  They are all so different and so much fun!  We are going to do great things, so watch out, world.  
I am still alive and did not have a massive panic attack on Sunday.  I seriously considered it when the pianist told me she wouldn't be there- 10 minutes before Primary started and then asked me "Should I find someone to play?"  Um, yes.  Maybe you should have done that YESTERDAY.  But, I digress.  I played the piano for her, which is very possibly what kept me from having the aforementioned panic attack.  
I do have to mention - as I did not last entry- that in addition to me being the Primary President, they asked Tim (my eternal pest and companion) to be the Young Men's President.  What?!?!  Not fair.  So, we both had to do the ward council thing on Sunday- which is great, because it means that he has to get out of bed too and I don't have to do it alone.  Ha.
But, my favorite part of all was Sunday.  As nervous and as unsure of myself as I was feeling, I still got up and took a minute to talk to "my kids".  The minute I stood up and looked at their little sweet faces, I knew everything would be alright.  I already love them SO MUCH and cannot wait to get to know each of them better.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

El Presidente... of Sunday, I am officially a Primary President.  WHAT?!?
I struggle enough being a normal person and a Sunbeam teacher and they've put me in charge of other people's children.  WHAT?!?!
As nervous (terrified) as I am, I am also incredibly excited.
I have some great women to serve with and cannot wait to see the things we can accomplish together.
So, in looking for some kind of inspiration, I came across an article about a woman that I knew when I was growing up.  I thought she was incredible then.  Then I came across this article in the Church News from 2004 and realized that if she can do it, so can I.  Thanks Sister Cook.  I still admire you...just so you know.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I've been working on my Primary lesson this week and it's inspired me...The topic this week is "I Love My Brothers and Sisters".  For those of you that are not LDS, I teach a class of 3 to 4 year old kiddos.  In every lesson, there is a scriptural story of some sort.  The story this week is about Miriam, the sister of Moses. It references how she feels a deep sense of responsibility for him and his well being.  It talks about when he was born and they were ordered to throw all baby boys in the river and her and her mother set Moses in a basket in the bullrushes.  I'm sure you  know the rest of the story.  Anywho, as I was preparing this lesson, I felt so inspired.  I love my brothers so much.  I'm not sure I tell them that enough.  As the oldest child and the only girl, I, like Miriam, feel so much responsibility for their well being and their happiness.  I want them to know how much they are loved, and needed, and appreciated.  I wasn't always nice to them.  I wish I had been.  As I've grown old(er), I have realized how important they are to me.  I have realized what good men they are.  I have realized that I would not be who I am without them.  So, dear brothers, I love your guts.
I Love My Brothers and Sisters Lesson

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dear Blank, Please Blank....Part Deux.

I am feeling this urge again. You know, the urge to tell people what I REALLY think...without actually telling them.  So, here goes...

Dear Weight Watchers, Dare I say that I love you?
Dear Mother Nature, C'mon, can it be summer already?
Dear Allergies, Enough already.
Dear Slimy Coworker, I dislike your actions and it's starting to make me dislike you.

Dear NBC, Thank you for The Voice and Dia Frampton.
Dear Color Yellow, Why must you fight me so?  Just be the right shade for my skin! (and I love you..)
Dear Skinnier Jeans, Stop mocking me.
Dear Diet Coke, Thank you for adding lime.
Dear Soda companies in general, Why must soda be soooooo expensive?  It's not like it's made out of silver or anything.  Give it up.
Dear Lady who is sitting in front of the library with a petition for me to sign, as much as I respect your right to free're blocking my entrance to the library.
Dear Stomach, You're really not hungry so please stop growling.
Dear Kittens, my pillow is not your bed.  Especially when my head is on it.  And you have plenty of food.  You're fine.
Dear 4th Ward, Who has the fastest pinewood derby car?  That's right, my husband.
Dear Summer, WHERE ARE YOU?
Dear Sleazy Coworker, How much did it just cost for YOU to complain?  Figure it out.
Dear Dia Frampton, Thank you for existing.  You're right up there with Adele in being my new best friend.
Dear Jessica, Thank you for eating cupcakes with me.
Dear Lindy, Thank you for being dependable.
Dear Husband, Thank you.  For everything.
Dear Little Girls, Fairy tales are just that.  Fairy tales.  Sometimes, they come true.  Sometimes, they don't.  And it's better.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Greek Cheese Burgers

For anyone who cares, I joined Weight Watchers.  Why?  Because I am tired of being the fat girl and because the commercials are so darned henceforth and thus and whatever, I will occasionally post recipes that are healthy and tasty.  (what?) I know, healthy and tasty?  Really?  Is that possible?
So, starting now...I made some incredibly tasty (and only 8 points) Greek Style Cheeseburgers.  I must give some credit to the Weight Watchers website for this recipe, but next time I will make a few tweaks of my own...
Greek Cheese Burgers
1 lb. lean ground beef (think 93/7)
1/2 tsp oregano (or less, I think)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 clove minced garlic
1/2 c minced onion
4 light hamburger buns
crumbled feta cheese (yum!!)
3/4 c baby spinach

Combine first 6 ingredients and mix well.  (yes, with your hands) Pan fry.  Top with feta and cover until feta cheese gets melty.  (yes, melty)  It won't melt with the consistency of cheddar, but it will soften.  Place on light hamburger bun and top with baby spinach.  Serve with home fries, coleslaw or some other healthy and delightful something or other and then....ENJOY!
So, for all of you that asked, there it is...

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Momma

First of all, Mom, don't be mad.  This is one of my favorite pictures EVER of you.  It makes it so other people can see what a fun momma we have.  

Second, I love you to pieces.  A bushel and peck and all that jazz. 

Third, I would like to say thank you for the following things...

* For always believing in me and my brothers.
* For teaching us the right way to live, even though we don't always do it.
* For being supportive of our weird habits and interests and hobbies.
* For standing up for us.
* For letting us be ourselves, no matter how weird we were.
* For not being afraid to get dirty.
* For letting us play golf with frozen mice off of the deck.
* For being the kind of mom that all of our friends wanted to have.
* For loving us, unconditionally, to the point that it sometimes hurt you.
* For understanding why we needed to dig a large hole in the garden and fill it with water.
* For trying to shield us from the world, but letting us learn on our own.
* For not killing us.
* For being a best friend and at the same time, remembering that you were still a parent.
* For making dang good food.  Obviously.
* For learning to adjust.  Quickly.  And often.
* For not only teaching about the good in the world, but more times than not, showing us how to do it.
* For many more things that I can't currently think of because chances are, they are mushy.

And fourth, I love you. A lot.
Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


For anyone that cares, it has been dang near 10 years since Tim took me on the best picnic of my entire life.  I know that a picnic doesn't sound THAT exciting, but it was.  It was the day he proposed.  On that sunny afternoon, at that beautiful picnic spot, with the love of my life, I was sure that I could not love him any more than I already did and that it was impossible for me to be any happier than I was at that moment.  Now, for those of you that know me, you know that I hate admitting that I'm wrong.  But, I was wrong.  SOOOOOO wrong.  I love him more today than I ever thought I could and he makes me happy every single day.  I do believe that I am the luckiest girl in the world and thank my Heavenly Father every day for my best friend and Scrabble nemesis, Tim.  (and...I haven't even lost my engagement ring once!-knock on wood...)

Friday, April 1, 2011

For My Sake...

I am pathetic.  For the most part, I have spent my winter in a depressed 'funk', if you will.  I have spent months moping around and feeling like I am just not good enough.  So, today...there was a very cleverly placed on my side of the bed Ensign article.  For those of you that are not a member of my faith, the Ensign is a monthly publication-magazine- with tidbits of information, instruction, information and advice.  It has stories and anecdotes and direct teachings from our living prophets.  You may want to check it out at  I have avoided the Ensign lately, because I just feel like I'm not good enough even though deep down inside I know that's not true. This article got me back on track.  So, Ensign editiors....Thank you.  I cannot thank you enough.  Here's the link-you should read it.

Also, kind of on the same topic, is Thursday. Thursday = Grey's Anatomy.  This time...with music.  It was beautiful and haunting and strangely Glee-like.  There are just some things that cannot be expressed any other way.  Anyhow, my favorite character, the one I most relate to, Meredith, is in an elevator with her gorgeous genius brain surgeon husband as one of their friends and coworkers lays upstairs in ICU fighting for her life-and her unborn child's.  Meredith expresses that at the baby shower the day before, she was jealous.  And now she feels terrible.  She asks her husband why the universe would give Callie a baby and not her and then put Callie through a windshield.  "Why is the universe so unfair and so screwed up and so mean?"
I AGREE.  I once heard that when you have a trial that tests you once, it's helping you increase your faith.  When you have a trial that is a recurring thing, it's perfecting your faith.  Alright then.  I will have perfected faith, darn it.  So here we go.  It's on.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I did it.  I spent the weekend with my family.  I relaxed.  I had fun.  I laughed.  I watched a BYU basketball game with my husband, daddy and brothers.  I felt like myself again.  I remembered how it felt to be myself again. I remembered how it felt to be happy again and to be valued.  I spent time with my sweet baby Palin, playing playdoh and monster and being her personal horsey.  I ate scones in the middle of the night at a disgusting little diner and listened to Van Morrison from a jukebox.  I remembered why I love my job again.  I remembered what it feels like to be completely inspired by a song, a place or an event.  I went to the temple and remembered who I was again.  I am a daughter of God, and He does love me.  He does have a master plan for me.  I spent time with my mom and my sisters in law and remembered how lucky I am to have a family that loves me.  I spent a lot of time with my husband.  I remembered (like I try to every day) how much I love him, what a good man he is and how lucky I am to have a husband who loves me and takes care of me.  I love remembering.  It was the best thing I could have done.  I needed it more than I knew.  I needed to feel like myself and like I am valued and appreciated and not all the things that I have been told that I am recently. So, again, "faith in God is having faith in His timing."  I just have to REMEMBER that.    

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Love My Brothers...

Who has the most awesome brothers in the world?  Yep, me.
Example A:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tough as Nails...

I love self discovery.  Today, I have discovered something about my little self.  Through a highly unpleasant experience with a person who I wouldn't have though could be so hurtful, I discovered that I am stronger than I thought I was.  I am a thirty year old woman and I am tough.  As nails.  I don't need to be pushed around, talked down to or bullied. I simply do not have time or patience for it.   And today...I proved it.  So, to the mean people of the world, I will NOT let you push me around any more.  I'm simply not going to accept it.  So, put that in your juice box and suck it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What I Needed...

I have been inspired by my dear friend and fellow blogger Stacy Chandler... so I thought I would follow in her footsteps and post my favorite picture and quote as of late.  I often forget how MUCH my Heavenly Father and His Son love me and know me better than I know myself.  I often get too involved in my silly little trials and forget the real purpose of my life on this earth.  I forget that there is a master plan that I don't understand right this, here is your inspiration for the day.  I am also including my favorite portrayal of the Savior.  I love the feelings that it evokes.  He loves me.  And you. And believe it or not, He does have a plan for us, whether it's the one we had worked out for ourselves or not.  So, be inspired.  Pass it on...And Stacy, thank you.

"Faith in the Lord includes faith in His 
timing." -Neil A Maxwell

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's Be Honest...

Here's the truth.  I need some spring.  Now.  Immediately.  I need baseball and green lawns and new flowers and sunshine and the hope of something better.
I am usually a lover of winter.  At this point, however, there is nothing more I would enjoy than a good tropical vacay.  Also, I work in a music store.  THIS prevents me from taking said vacay. 
I am finding myself being somewhat cranky...I was tempted to run over a pedestrian last week.  I have also had the desire to poke someone in the eye.  With a stick.  I sometimes curse at people that are driving slow, crossing in the middle of the road, scanning coupons at a self checkout, getting between me and mountain dew, or insulting my college basketball team. 
I am hoping that Mr. Sun will come out soon, otherwise, I may be liable to end up in jail for murder or something stupid.  So...come visit.  Bake a file into a cake and pray for sun.

Monday, February 28, 2011

I grant to you this gift

To the sweet person who lit my dumpster on fire...I give you the gift of reading.  It's time to find a new hobby.
To the Mountain Dew people...I give you a hug on Monday mornings.
To Monday...I give you this advice.  No one likes you. 
To the lady who asked me if it hurts when people talk to me about being a mother...I give you the gift of a lemon.  Squeeze the juice and then pour it into a paper cut.  Then we'll talk.  There.  I said it.
To the person that I admire the most...I give you a weekend of not worrying.  I have it under control.

To my kitties...I give you..EVERYTHING.  Stop begging, we all know that I'll give it to you anyhow.
To that certain person who gets on my last nerve...I give you the gift of growing up.  You're an adult.  Act like one.
To the Girl Scouts...I give you the gift of Diabetes.  I blame it on the summer of the Samoas at Trefoil.
To Adele... I give you the gift of being my new best friend.
To the Academy...Thanks for finally giving Christian Bale what he deserves.  I give you the gift of me changing the channel when he's done.
To Christian Bale...I give you the gift of staying in our guest room and watching Batman with us whenever you would like.
To my blog readers...I obviously have given you the gift of extreme sarcasm and hopefully laughter.  Have a lovely day.
Love Katie

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I love love LOVE Saturdays.  It's the day for Bountiful Basketing, primary lessoning, kitty snuggling, truck riding, college basketball watching fun.
I spent this morning sleeping in and snuggling my kitties.  Then I woke up and went and froze my buns off (wouldn't that be nice if could actually happen?) and ran my BB site.  We got coconut and mangos today.  How great is that?  Now, I'm sitting ony my squishy couch with my hunny watching BYU basketball.  JIMMER! Later, I will finish making an umbrella and raindrops out of cardstock form my sweet, wonderful Sunbeams. How does life get any better? 
Oh yes...Mountain Dew...with lime. :) 
Happy Happy Weekend to you.  And to me!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dinner Tonight

I want you to look at this website.  I love it.  I use it.  In fact, my dinner of pineapple salsa chicken is currently in the crock pot waiting for me to come home and scarf it down.  Dinner is exciting again!
And here is my dinner....
Except...I will be adding grilled orange bell peppers and sweet onions and a sweet tomato rice to serve it fajita style.  I'm so excited!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Must Watches....

I occassionally become obsessed with things.  This seems to be YouTube.  Shocker.
So here are a few of my favorites to make you laugh, cry, think, question and observe.

A sweet, heartfelt video by my favorite band.
The emotion is real and raw and inspiring.

Oh. My. Funny.
Enough said.

This makes my cat look sooooo normal.

Still, my favorite band.  Take a listen.  I promise you'll like it.

I apologize if this is offensive to anyone.
I find it highly entertaining.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Important to Me...

Happy Valentine's Day to one and all...
I stumbled across this today and thought it was worth sharing.  It's a trip back to the core values that I embrace. And, it's important to me.   This one's for you, Tim.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


In the spirit of Valentine's day coming up, I have decided to blog about things that I love-which, might I add, is so not typical of me lately.
Mary Poppins.
Julie Andrews.
The smell of a Library.
Dr. Pepper.
Jack and Lily.
Good Parents.
Fresh produce.
Country Music
The smell of Preferred Stock.
The color red.
Yellow shirts.
Comfy Jeans.
People who understand.
Cheese Dogs.
Red shoes.
Nephews and Nieces.
BBQ potato chips.
Singing in the shower or car or wherever I may be.
Thrift Stores.
Bon Jovi.
Juke Kartel.
My Job.
My House.
Smushy Beds.
Dirty Dancing.
Cell phones.
Primary songs.
Lip Balm.
Good Customers.
Bath and Body Works buy 3 get 2 free sales.
August Rush.
Dodge Rams.
My cute Trailblazer named Clyde.
Riding in the mountains in a Dodge Ram with Tim
eating cheese dogs & BBQ chips while drinking Dr. Pepper
wearing comfy jeans, a yellow shirt, red shoes and a yellow bandana
while listening to country music on the radio and taking pictures.
and last but not least, Tim.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Blank, please blank, Love Me.

Again, I've been writing letters to random people in my head. I need to get them out, because if I don't, they'll just swirl around until I become crazier.
Also, I have found a website that makes me laugh.

So, in the same token, here you go.

Dear Black Eyed Peas, Who in the world gave you the right to remake "Time of My Life"? First of all, it's a classic. Second, it's Dirty Dancing personified in a song. It's not like you would remake that song from Casablanca. (sigh) Also, your version sucks.
Dear City of Idaho Falls, Please fix the potholes. I'm tired of having my tires aligned because they are unavoidable. Or, make a quality road in the first place so that you don't have to fix them every two weeks.
Dear McDonalds, Please stop having the 2 Big Macs for $3. I then feel obligated to eat two of them, partially because I love a bargain, I hate to waste and Big Macs are tasty.
Dear People who are crafty, stop it. You are making me feel bad about myself.
Dear Old Ladies that I work with, Please stop growling. It's weird. And kinda creepy. And annoying.
Dear Dr. Pepper, Please make your beverage less tasty. I need to stop drinking it.
Dear Redbox, Why do you not have Dirty Dancing (the real one) inside your deep abyss? Also, why do you have all kinds of crappy movies and no good movies?
Dear Mountain Dew, Could you just include some extra lime flavoring in your beverage so that I don't have to search all over town for a gas station with lime?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ode to JoAnn's.

There are few words that can send a girl like me into full blown panic. Two of them are "STORE CLOSING" at JoAnn's Fabric. I understand that they are just 'moving' but I also realize that they are moving to the other side of town. I don't go over there. It's scary. Also, JoAnn's has been a 5 minute drive from my house since I moved here.
It's a wonderland.
It's also where I go to relieve stress, find myself, celebrate, mourn and visit my therapist at the cutting table.
They recognize me as a 'valued customer'
(at least that's what the fliers and emails say...).
Consequently, now I will have to drive 15 minutes through traffic to enjoy the same benefit. WAAAAHHHHHHH!
So, in essence,
Dear JoAnn's Owners,
I think it's quite rude for you to leave me stranded in downtown with no fabric.
I need you. I love you, please don't go.
But if you must go, I understand.
I will still visit, I'm just afraid that we won't be as close as I once was.

But, I'm sure that once I walk through the doors in the 'new and improved' JoAnn's Fabric, that everything will feel the same.
Squishy, happy, warm, snuggly and generally happy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Age 3

I am feeling very picturesque
today...hence this post...

This is how I am feeling...better with age.

This is what I am listening to. New album...good stuff.

This is where I am going tomorrow...warm. sunshine. freakshow.

This is who I am currently angry with. You cheat. And you play dirty.
And you don't deserve a championship trophy.
Or a Heisman.

This is who I still love. Better to be the second place team with the most class.
I love my Ducks.

Also, I need a nap.
And a Dr. Pepper.
And some shoes.
And some Panda Express.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


As most of you know, my birthday is coming. There WAS a list of things that I wanted to do before I turned thirty. Didn't happen. Surprise. So, being as I am turning 30 and have accomplished NOTHING...I thought I would start my list over except that it is now a things to do before I am 35.

So, here goes....
1. Go to Yosemite.
2. Get back to my pre-marriage weight.
3. Grow my hair out again.
4. Be successful at something.
5. Get out of debt. Completely.
6. Make a difference in the world.
7. Adopt a baby or six.
8. Change a life.
9. See the Yankees play baseball. Live.
10.Grow my own garden, complete with tomatoes.
11. Be organized.
12. Make my own skirt.
13. Make my own purse.
14. Go somewhere incredible.
15. Take a class.
16. Laugh until I cry.
17. Be a better wife, daughter and sister.
18. Go to a concert and see an artist that I admire...
19. Spend more time on the important things.
20. Spend less time worrying about stupid things.