Monday, February 20, 2012

It must be genetic....

So, I'm pretty sure that my cat has anxiety issues.  Yes.  I said, my cat has anxiety issues.  What can one do about it?  She's driving me insane.  I love her.  But, she's a siamese.  And a talker.  And crazy. And, I'm pretty sure she's the one that "marked" my new Enduro-Suede love seat.  So, you can't give a cat Paxil, right?  So, I went to Petco (where the pets go) to find some Crazy Cat Furniture Cleaner Upper and Cat Marking Deoderizer... and I see a plug in.  For crazy cats.  Really. On the same aisle as the Cat Potty Training Seat.  Wait, what?  Why are these on the same aisle?  Holy cat.  Seriously?  So, first thought was..What person in their right mind would potty train a cat?  Crazy.  Then, as I was looking at the deoderizer stuffs, my second thought was...hmmmm..I sure hate cleaning out a litter box.  And having little cat litter granules all over the place. And scooping poo.  Maybe this potty training idea isn't so bad.  So, I went back to see what it was all about.  The cat on the box looked INSANE.  Then, the thought came to my mind that the reason the plug in was on the same aisle was...because some crazy bat tried to potty train her precious kitten, making it necessary for the anxiety ridden kitten to need the "Calming Cat Plug In" Unit.  Apparently it has lavendar and mild catnip to soothe even the most crazy animal.  So, I suppose I'll just stick with the litter box, scooping poo, and embedded in my foot litter granules and not medicate my animal.  But, if she ruins my couch, she has to live in the bathtub.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am laughing so hard! Funny stuff! Seriously...can't stop laughing.